Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fourth to sixth books

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire it is revealed that Hagrid is of mixed wizard and giant parentage, his mother having been the giantess Fridwulfa, who left his wizard father when Hagrid was a baby. Since giants have a reputation for being horribly brutal, and were once allies of Voldemort, Hagrid keeps his parentage a secret and allows people to imagine other reasons for his great size (drinking a bottle of Skele-Gro when he did not need it). Hagrid's parentage is exposed in the Daily Prophet by Rita Skeeter,Rubeus Hagrid who portrays him as dangerous (because of his like of aggressive creatures) and incompetent. Hagrid is gravely affected by this and attempts to resign from his post as teacher, though Dumbledore does not accept his resignation. During the novel, Rubeus Hagrid develops a romantic interest with Olympe Maxime – another half-giant witch and Headmistress of the French magic school Beauxbatons. Hagrid is also one of the very few people that, since the beginning, believes in Harry's word that he did not apply to enter the Triwizard Tournament. Later in the book,Rubeus Hagrid Alastor Moody (impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr) suggests Hagrid should show Harry that the first task of the Tournament would involve dragons. Hagrid also provides Blast-Ended Skrewts for the third task. Rubeus Hagrid
Hagrid is absent during the first part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The character later reveals to Harry, Ron and Hermione that he and Madame Maxime travelled across Europe together on a mission from the Order,Rubeus Hagrid planning to find giants and convince them to ally themselves with the good side and with Dumbledore; however, Death Eaters also find the giants and managed to get them to Voldemort's side. Hagrid is attacked by giants during the mission, and saved by Maxime. Rubeus Hagrid and Maxime eventually part on the journey home because of Maxime's exasperation with Grawp, Hagrid's half-brother who he had found and was attempting to bring home with them. Grawp,Rubeus Hagrid who wanted to stay with the giants, seriously hurt Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid introduces his half-brother to Harry and Hermione, and asks them to take care of him after he leaves Hogwarts. High Inquisitor of Hogwarts Dolores Umbridge supervises the classes of all the members of the Hogwarts staff, including Hagrid's, and she looks for an excuse to fire him, as Rubeus Hagrid is close to Dumbledore. Towards the end of the book, Umbridge and other Ministry officials attempt to arrest Hagrid. The latter manages to escape, but Professor McGonagall is injured whilst trying to defend him. Finally,Rubeus Hagrid with Dumbledore's post as Headmaster restored, Hagrid returns to Hogwarts.
In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are no longer students of Care of Magical Creatures, and Hagrid gets both angry and disappointed with them during the first part of the book, but he soon realises that it is not because they do not like him. Later in the novel, Aragog dies, and Rubeus Hagrid risks his life to recover the acromantula's body to give it a "proper" funeral. After the funeral, he and Horace Slughorn drink excessive fire whiskey, and Harry takes advantage of this situation to retrieve a certain memory from Slughorn. Towards the end of the book,Rubeus Hagrid Death Eaters attack Hogwarts and, while trying to fight them, Hagrid's hut is set on fire. During Dumbledore's funeral, Hagrid is seen carrying the Headmaster's body.Rubeus Hagrid

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