Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest

Poacher who McGonagall Harry and Hermione to the office, when they meet Neville. McGonagall, very disappointed, have 50 points each of the three of them and give them all the prisoners, who serve with Malfoy. His popularity with other students because it. A week before the exams, Harry heard Professor Quirrell, sounded as if it were threatened. Then you go in front of a class. Harry goes to the library to tell Ron and Hermione. I believe Snape was threatening Quirrell, and the means to rob the stone, Hermione suggests going to Dumbledore. Harry refuses, saying that there is no evidence.
Harry, Hermione, Neville and receive the notes of Professor McGonagall saying that his arrest will start at eleven. Thief takes the Forbidden Forest, where it hoped to take Hagrid to do some 'research. Hagrid shows some silver unicorn blood, and says they need to find an unicorn that is wounded. Are separated by Hagrid as Harry and Hermione, and Neville go with Malfoy and Fang. Hagrid meetings centaurs, named Bane and Ronan, but do not get useful information from them. Hagrid saw red sparks in the air, noting that the other party is in difficulty. Direct to them, and then curse Malfoy Neville surprising to send sparks. Harry and Hagrid Neville switch, by sending Harry Malfoy again. Finally, we find the dead unicorn, drink and see the blood. Malfoy screams and runs with mud, leaving Harry, who was saved by the figure of a centaur, named Florence, who tells Harry that unicorn blood can keep it alive, even if you're an inch of death, the curses but half - the life of the process. He asks if Harry does not know one who drinks the blood, or to get the stone, and Harry admits that the mysterious figure was Voldemort.
Go to the common room, Harry, Hermione and Ron tell you what happened. Then, going into his bed, Harry discovers that his coat has become Invisiblity him.

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