Sunday, July 26, 2009

The First Wizarding War

Sometimes, when expelled from Hogwarts, Hagrid joined the Order of Phoenix and Dumbledore has an important role to play. First wizarding war Hagrid rescued Harry's parents house, where Lord Voldemort killed Lily and James Potter in 1981, when Harry was one year old. Using Sirius Black's motorcycle, he led Harry is Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall, and brought it to Harry's only remaining family - is Dursley.

When Harry was adapted Hogwarts, Hagrid was trying to find Harry, as Vernon Dursley continually tried to intercept and destroy Harry school acceptance letters. Harry eleventh birthday, he found Harry Hut-on-the-Rock and persuaded / threatened so Dursley Harry goes to Hogwarts. This included taking Harry's cousin, Dudley growing pigtail. In addition, it was Harry's birthday cake - he never had before. When it was decided that Harry would be present at Hogwarts, Harry has helped to find her bearings is a magical world, and was run cauldron Diagon Alley and the school needs to buy. Although Diagon Alley, Harry and Hagrid went to Gringotts wizarding bank to take money from Harry and a minor illness. Hagrid was trying philosopher's stone, which is a high security vault and take it back to Hogwarts for safe storage. In addition, Hagrid bought Hedwig, a snowy white Uglea that Harry eleventh birthday.
Sometimes in 1991, a person Hooded (now known as Quirinus Quirrell in disguise) was Hagrid drank pig's head. Hagrid gives dragon eggs to obtain information about fluffy, three-headed dog Hagrid is a quote from Dumbledore to ensure the philosopher's stone. Hagrid again by a slip of tongue, this time Harry, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, how quiet the fluffy, just a game and soft music is asleep. This will give the Trio will continue to save. If the egg hatches the dragon, named Hagrid love Norbert hatch ling, Harry, Ron and Hermione, to convince him, so Norbert took dragon every shelter with friends Ron's brother Charlie, who works dragons.

In 1993 came Hagrid wizarding prison Azkaban where the Chamber of Secrets was opened. It is believed he was the one who started with the Chamber because of his prior deportation. He was latter released and deported if found guilty actually. He was able to help Harry and Ron in their efforts to solve the mystery of the secret room with the "follow the spiders." This lead them Aragog; giant spider that Hagrid was held in animals where eleven Hogwarts and fault attacks. When Harry killed Basilisk and the Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid returns from midnight, in celebration of the conclusion of the judges to return to Hogwarts for a 3 in the morning.harry potter hagrid


"S'all my fault. Language was tied. They were all sitting there in a black flag for a minor" I KéP "droppin me and forget all the data I checked FER Yeh me, Hermione. I then was Lucius Malfoy, he bit, and the committee will jus' exac'ly not what he said to them ...."
Hagrid-strip things from their defense in court Buckbeak [src]
If the school year 1993-1994, was a teacher Hagrid in the treatment of Magical creatures. First day of class, while Hagrid was teaching third year students After explaining Hippogriffs proper way to greet a Hippogriff, and select shows Harry Draco Malfoy is causing problems Buckbeak offensive, which is one of Hippogriffs. Buckbeak attacked Draco and the Ministry of Magic gives orders to the implementation of Buckbeak, Hagrid than fear. Harry and Hermione were able to save a hippogriff by going back in time by Hermione's Time-Turner.

After a disastrous first lesson teaches students Hagrid flobberworms only things that thrive, store over to his fate.harry potter hagrid

During the 1994-1995 school year, the Triwizard Tournament held at Hogwarts. Students from Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Hogwarts participated begin in October, and Hagrid was trained to ensure a Beauxbatons' Abraxans that only a water-malt whiskey, which requires processing power. Full years Hagrid and Olympe Maxime, headmistress of Beauxbatons and half was Gian Tess budding romantic relationship to dance during the Christmas Ball. Hagrid handed her his life story, you unearth the fact that he is half giant, if it is equally well, because of its enormous size. He is offended at insinuations that he is half-giant and magazines, was inconsolable.harry potter hagrid

Hagrid was also responsible for helping Charlie Weasley, and the other to deal with dragons in the first task of the tournament. Rita Skeet interviewed for Hagrid, an article in the Daily Prophet. Rita Skeet article caused a wry Hagrid does not want a teacher to treat Magical Creatures May, Professor Wilhelmina Grubbly-point program to replace Hagrid in his work. Where the ordeal was over, Hagrid was persuaded to come back learn from Dumbledore, Harry, Ron and Hermione.

When the school year, Hagrid and Madame Maxime determined as a messenger is that the giants in the north. They wanted to maintain the fight to join Lord Voldemort is part of a future war. Although early promise, the operation was rejected.
About half of the school year mission returned from Hagrid Dumbledore's half brothers, Grawp. In 1995, Dolores Umbridge was introduced as the new Defense Against Agency Dark Arts teacher. Harry, Ron and Hermione form Dumbledore's Army to learn to be true on defense. Hagrid resumed his teaching lessons, teach students about Thestrals, despite the appearance of quite hostile, and that most of the class to see them, Hermione found this experience more helpful than usual, Hagrid hours. In early 1996, Professor Hagrid to Umbridge on probation after receiving his lessons insufficient. His harsh ruling was largely on his anti-Half-race bias. While director, Dumbledore could take Hagrid to Umbridge drawing completely. However Dumbledore ran after it was forced to quit, Hagrid was afraid that he will be deported to Umbridge, Hogwarts is new headmistress. In preparation for this, she introduced Harry, Ron and Hermione are Grawp. Grawp think Hermione took immediately, which he called "Hermy." Hagrid asked the trio to Grawp in his absence. Hagrid was killed by Umbridge, the end of the school year. He did not go quietly, but before retirement, he had to fight with him, and a series of Ministry of Magic employees. When Dumbledore was restored and the main Hogwarts, Hagrid was satisfied with the back office.harry potter hagrid
Hagrid found that none of his Gryffindor sixth years students have chosen to continue their recent Owl-level management of Magical creatures. Hagrid misinterpreted and that student do not like him instead of poorly-taught courses. In 1997, Hagrid is the time for pet spider, Aragog died, and Hagrid was crazy. Hagrid, Harry and Horace Slughorn buried Aragog. Towards the end of the school enjoys the death of a house on fire fighting, first Hogwarts. He and Harry and then put it before being burned. Following the death of Dumbledore, Hagrid was the pain that we, to be more powerful supporter. Dumbledore Hagrid carries the body is interred at Dumbledore's funeral. Latter, Hagrid and Madame Maxime were found counseling one another.
Secondly wizarding war harry potter hagrid

At one point, Hagrid house was repaired, so he hosted a "Support Harry Potter" is not a party.

Hagrid was thirteen members of the Phoenix led by Alastor Moody, to go to the Dursley house to search for Harry Potter before her seventeenth birthday by. The program consisted of six Harry's friends and other Order of the Phoenix members (Ron, Hermione, Fleur Delacour, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Mundungus Fletcher) take Polyjuice medicine mixed with death, who likes to try to follow. Hagrid had an important objective is to protect the real Harry, who Rode it on a sidecar and Sirius Black's motorcycle. Arthur Weasley Hagrid helped make several changes to the bike, including the production of dragon fire, which produced a network, and one that created a solid wall, everything behind the bike. He was able to enjoy the infliction of death, because Harry's wandwork, Lord Voldemort, but found when it was discovered that Hagrid in Harry was real. When the fight after the bike was demolished, and was to dive Hagrid that cycling is a dying man eater, which is part of the distance from the ground. He survived, but as Harry, complete the task. Since Hagrid has been hard to keep secret, allegedly, Fleur Delacour, suspected Hagrid was the one that was announced if of death are going to get him out of his aunt and uncle house, although it latter proved not is.
Summer of 1997, was the presence of Hagrid, Harry's seventeenth birthday, Hagrid gave mokeskin bag that organizes items available only in the holder. Hagrid was also attended by Bill Weasley marriage to Fleur Delacour, accidentally sitting in the wrong place (and to destroy a certain number of seats) before you find the right place to stay.

Once back at Hogwarts, Hagrid continued mission to keep the game and a teacher. He barely escaped with an arrest "Support Harry Potter" party for his cabin, which is run in the mountains and go near hiding. He returned Grawp Battle of Hogwarts, where they fought. During the fight, he ran on the criteria and were surrounded by giant spiders Kate mold. He was a captive market, which enjoys death. When Harry's apparent death of the dark hands of God, Hagrid was forced to take Harry back to the castle. Although the situation, blame Hagrid Voldemort Harry dead because they approached the castle, and sobbed over the loss of Harry. When the fight will continue, he threw Walden Macnair Wall, Great Hall (this may be partially because he recognizes him as the person who tried to kill Buckbeak. Hagrid was between the first to approach Harry in congratulations after he killed Voldemort.
Little is known Hagrid in nineteen years after the second wizarding war. It is well known that Hagrid is still at work Hogwarts is 88 years, but it is not known weather this is a professor at the keeper before the game unheld position or possibly the head of Gryffindor House. She invites Harry and Ginny's son albus the hut to do when it comes to Hogwarts, as he did in the first year, Harry. He never married.

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