Sunday, July 26, 2009

Differences From the Book

1. The Other Minister

Millennium Bridges collapse at the beginning of the film and is apparently caused three hours flies Death enjoy. [70], and the scene with Scrimgeour Muggle Prime Minister has been released.
In the first chapter, in which Cornelius fudge recaps all the bad things that have happened, muggle Prime Minister, was released. It also explains how the piece resigned as Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour and how it took office, and describes the murders, hurricanes, and the bridge collapse, which are ongoing. However, there is still a minor reference to the Daily Prophet at the beginning of the movie that refer to the new minister of magic.
Harry was a copy of the Daily Prophet is the Muggle world, he says that at the same time in the dining room Inn is located along Surbiton station, but he left the table when he saw the light of Professor Dumbledore outside. In the muggle Waiter at Inn flirts with Harry, and ask weather the newspaper library, he says, which is not included in the book. harry potter hagrid
2. Spinner's End
The Spinner's End movie position is consistent with the book. The unit to which the text is not a windmill or water, but one of the nineteenth century, in a textile factory in the industrial city in northern United Kingdom, most likely in West Yorkshire and Lancashire. The text refers to the factory chimneys (now obsolete) and rows of houses nearby. Properties, the film shows that are typical of the late nineteenth century houses of factory workers in British industry.
When Bellatrix Narcisse and will meet, Snape, Bellatrix do not show the strong displeasure with Snape to do so in the book and do not press to answer questioning about their loyalty. Narcisse pain that does not seem concerned, as expected, is not to propose a vote unbreakable, but has been tearing in his eyes. Your hair is a mixture of blond and brown stripes, instead of being completely Flax blonde. Snape seems reluctant to vote in force immediately, as agreed in the book.
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Peter Pettigrew, aka Wormtail role is minor, in his book. In the film, which peeps from the door to greet Narcisse and Bellatrix, and the next shot, showing, after two in the room where he was waiting at Snape, Snape used his baton to hit the camera, Pettigrew fourth block.
Will and Won't
The scene with the Dursleys, when Dumbledore to Harry in privet Drive, in a letter has been omitted. Instead, Dumbledore Harry meets in a restaurant in the train station. The Dursleys do not appear in the film.
Harry never said that they have inherited or Gimmauld Place Kreacher.
House-elf Kreacher is omitted in the entire movie.
There is no indication that the list shows that security measure issued by the Ministry.
4 Horace Slughorn
All people of Budleigh Babberton is recreated in the book, including the ancient monument to the fallen. There is a bar called the bottom arms Babberton.
Dumbledore to Harry does not give the head of about Slughorn remember that they are short or staff who need your help. Simply go to the house where Muggler ago Slughorn. Harry does not talk about what we have to win Slughorn to return to Hogwarts.
The security measures issued by the Ministry and the minor has not been discussed throughout the film.
In the book, the lack of Horace Slughorn to hide that the plan had forgotten the Dark Mark. In the film, the defect is blood on the ceiling, which were identified as Dumbledore Dragon blood.
5. Excessive phlegm
Dumbledore tells Harry not, before leaving the nest for him, given private lessons, and not rely on it to tell the truth about the prophesy of Ron and Hermione.
Instead of Harry and Dumbledore apparating the tool shed next to the grave, Harry is on the periphery of the swamp's den.
Discussion of the bill, and the arrangements for the marriage of Fleur, Fleur to stay in the nest, and two figures were omitted.
The relationship among Tonks and lupine is inferred, as to leave the party together and Tonks said "the first night of full moon cycle is always the worst." It also calls Innamorati Remus.
There is no scene where the owls that the examination results, the first reference for the review of the results of the teacher comes when Harry McGonagall informed him (the corridor), you can make potions and had exceeded expectations in this argument.
In the film, Ginny was the first to see the book by Molly Weasley and Harry Tonks before seeing Harry.
6 Deviation Draco
Diagonal Alley is almost completely absorbed and released. Life is only considered from the WWW Joke Shop. The "U-No-Poo" signs are removed, however, is a satuesque the change of a hat typical Muggler Registration Wizard to reveal the rabbit. The signal is more than a great story.
Both brothers Weasley talking simultaneously always.
While the dragons are considered creatures XXXXX, some children used a baby dragon to burn or cook the chestnuts.
Draco did not sneak out on their own and speak with Mr. Borgin about fixing the toilet, but that goes with his mother and kill many canteens. Harry, Ron and Hermione do not follow in his robe and use extensible ears. Hermione does not try to mislead Mr. Borgin in which he says is his Draco.
Burke Borgin and appears with a sign without the 's' at the end of Burke. There is a WANTED poster of Fenrir Greyback in Knockturn Alley. The trio goes delapidated roof of a building to the left to see Draco half was the disappearances of two of the offices, instead of listening to Malfoy wants something fixing, at the beginning of what the item you want is the leak Office draco The medallion is not seen or mentioned damn. The office is a triangular monolith in size. Draco enters the store with a team from the dining room of death.
It is not a fake amulet, etc. to be sold, or the promotion of Mr. Weasley.
7 The Slug Club
The Slug Club, the first meeting was held in the compartment Slughorn Hogwarts Express, Hogwarts but Slughorn's office.
To Slytherin Hogwarts Express is divided into two parts, not years, as had been seen in films before. It seems that the support with a table among them. There is no door to close, as it had in previous films. Compartment where Harry, Ron and Hermione feel are similar to what has been in recent movies, with sliding doors.
The Hogwarts Express is shown to have five coaches, instead of the usual four cars, the previous book shows that.
Students train to school without school clothes by hand, covered with modern clothes.
The scene where Harry catches Draco spying on him on the train is preformed book, Luna Lovegood, however, Tonks, Harry Spectrespecs found her, and said that the whole world can see it in Wrackspurts
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Draco reveals that rail is much less suggestive of the film.
Harry Potter is not met at the door of Snape. Instead, Professor Flitwick Harry stops and Moon (definitely not recognize them) and then launch a nonverbal spell on the door of the defense.
Nymphadora Tonks why Train replaced, moon to save Harry, the film shows no Tonks' patronus.
8. Snape Victorious
Snape is not the castle Harry, but Harry and Luna go alone.
Hagrid is in the Great Hall, instead of in the forest with Grawp.
9 The Half-Blood Prince
Discussion on the choice of themes and Professor McGonagall the interview were included in the film. Professor McGonagall simply believes that the corridor of the class for students, and then punish Harry and Ron to laugh in the most recent students. Then instruct Harry to take lessons in potions and Ron bring with him.
There D.A.D.A. classes shown in the film.
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In the film, when Harry and Ron came to the class of potions, which are both late, but it appears that Slughorn had not yet begun classes. Professor Slughorn both reported that the book had not requested that Slughorn says that you should have a book from within the locker room. When they see that there is a new book on the left, which will take the new version of the book, entitled potion advanced preparation. Ron was with his new book, Harry is left, whereas with the old copy, formally owned by the Half-Blood Prince. As in the novel, Harry followed the guidelines and instructions of the Half-Blood Prince, instead of obeying the instructions in the original book. That is why the first test is successful, and won by Prof. Felix ecstatic Slughorn.
10 The House of Gaunt 10
The scene is cut Gaunt. Yates said: "The memoir is an important part of the story of JK Rowling. We really respect our history, and was very supportive of this decision. They are a good reading of the Half-Blood Prince. However we kind of distilled until two or three memories to try to keep everything on time. Flashbacks in movies are difficult things, which tend to contain the momentum of the story is saying. "
The film shows only the memory where Dumbledore has to collect at the orphanage in memory of Voldemort and Voldemort asks Slughorn about Horcruxes, which appears twice in the book.
Harry did not know that the ring that Dumbledore is actually a family of Peverelli family.
The film does not stress the injury in the hand of Harry and Dumbledore's insistence on asking him what caused it.
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Dumbledore, Merope Gaunt calls "the mother of Voldemort, Harry, when asked about the ring.
The ring is not portrayed in the film is a black stone bearing the symbol of the deathly Hallows, but a square of silver, which does not seem damaged at all.
11 Helping hand by Hermione
Quidditch test were included in the film.
Hermione does not use Confundus against Cormac McLaggen But the magic was whispered in his hand, which goes against the way the spells are cast in the book.
harry potter hagrid
12 Silver and opals
The scene where Harry, Hermione, and Ron talk Slughorn is implemented in three brooms.
Katie Bells is cursed by the number in the book, and rose to the air and shouted into silence with his head tilted to an alarming. As in the book, Hagrid comes and takes your castle, but the role of Hagrid in general is much lower.
Tonks and Harry does not meet Mundungus Fletcher in Hogsmeade.
harry potter hagrid
13 The Secret Riddle,
Lana's memory orphanage does not include interviews with Tom Riddle harming children to the cave, which is the key to why it was chosen as a Horcrux hidden. Only a rough picture of the place showed on the tape Riddle of the fourth wall.
14. Felix ecstatic
In the film, for breakfast before the first Quidditch match, Luna Lovegood, not Hermione, Harry notices forgery net slip Ron luck with the drink.
Time of day of the first game of Quidditch and snowstorm in the film, while the book is clear, a fact that Ron thinks drank ecstatic Felix attributes.
Zacharius Smith Quidditch commentary is omitted.
harry potter hagrid

15 Unbreakable.
The birthplace of the Slughorn party is included in the film.
Professor Trelawney is not present, Eldred Worple, blood and other professor introduced guests Slughorn thief, but the interruption of Draco and tell all your gatecrashing included.
There is much less conversation between Snape and Draco. Draco Snape said that he only has one vote unbreakable, Draco, then insisted that he needs protection.

Harry by chance conversation in the corridor, while in hiding, but the invisibility cloak
16. A very Frosty Christmas
Another scene from the film that has no equivalent book. Death canteens attacked the excavation during the Christmas holidays. Bellatrix Lestrange Fenrir Greyback and only the death eaters are shown. Bellatrix only a broom to blow the hole and then around the hole with a fire raging. He taunts Harry, singing "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" Harry takes after his anger. Ginny takes after him, trying to stop him. Lupino, Arthur Weasley and Tonks farther in the swamp grass. While the five were lost in this area, seeking the death canteens, kitchens in death, fire and compensate the hole, which presumably burned to the ground before leaving. There is no mention in the book about how the house is restored, or what happened afterwards. The hole was supposed to be protected against the death eaters, and that only one set of fire with a minimum of effort.
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Bellatrix Lestrange Death dinner attack the hole with the ring of fire.
A discussion of Harry and Remus, Snape on the character is very short, not lupine Remus Snape helps Harry said, while teaching at Hogwarts as DADA teacher Wolfsbane potion you a beer each month.
In the movie, Harry is angry lupine, contrary to what was written in the novel.
The film omits the details that Fenrir Greyback is a Mannari, and the words of lupins was Greyback who became a Mannari.
There is no reason to Tonks' lack of hair color (black hair is not pink). When the book is brown and slim was because I was in love with lupine and concerned for their safety, including the wolf and eager because he could not communicate with her.
harry potter hagrid
In the film, the part where Percy Weasley comes to hide on Christmas Day with the new Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour failed, including the part where Harry Scrimgeour to help persuade the Ministry to tell the Wizarding world that the Ministry for excellent work.
The part where the characters are listening to Celestina Warbeck's music is omitted.
Christmas shows in the movie is a great contradiction in the title of the chapter. No signs of snow outside the den and night shirt Ginny does not seem to go well for a cold season.
17. Memory Slow
The memory of the Gaunt House, the medallion with Merope, who to kill Voldemort and riddles to rob the ring, the memory of Voldemort Borgin Burke and work and want the crown and the medallion, and when Voldemort returns to school to ask to teach, were omitted . Only the memory of the orphanage and asked Voldemort Horcruxes have been maintained.
There is no mention of Tom Riddle kills his family.
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Slughorn the false report shows know, cloud, however, when asked about his Horcruxes Riddle Slughorn critical voice is silenced and was furious.
18. Birthday Surprises
No classes or examinations conducted by Apparizione Wilkie Twycross.
In the book, Ron and lavender lavender burst because Ron and Hermione, who are descendants of one quarter of children (not to see Harry, as it hides under the cloak of invisibility) and presume that they were together.
19. Elf Tails
In the film, Ron Hermione Mutters, and the name of the unconscious in hospital with the arm of Harry, Hermione, Lavender, Ginny, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Slughorn, Snape and the present, and washed in tears.
The visit to Hagrid, Fred, George, Arthur and Molly Weasley Ron while the wing of the hospital is not shown in the film. Praise what Harry was wearing a bezoar as an antidote to the poison is not mentioned by Fred, but by Professor McGonagall.
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The scene of Quidditch and the house elf in this chapter, were low. [71]
No mention or appearance of Dobby working in the kitchen in the castle. Not Dobby and Kreacher to Harry Draco surveillance.

20. Lord Voldemort Application
Voldemort shows memory used for the DADA position is also vacant.
Professor Dumbledore is not discussed with Harry that this position is probably cursed by Voldemort, because Voldemort has refused the request, in the sense that nobody can hold the position for more than a year.
21. The fourth unrecognizable
No use talking about Crabbe and Goyle and Malfoy Polyjuice potion to see outside the room of requirement.
Draco is considered a test flight apple office. Come back with a bite of it. He then tests the songbird White at the office, and back to the dead. Draco of despair and fear is palpable in this scene.
22. After the funeral
Instead of taking a few drops of Felix ecstatic, Harry to download the whole bottle.
Slughorn is considered theft tentacular leaves, instead of working with Professor Sprout get potions ingredients.
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Hagrid never mentions Aragog sick and was not invited to Harry's funeral. Instead of Harry and Professor Slughorn appeared at the right time.
Minor Aragog described and illustrated in two books and the Chamber of Secrets (film).
Hagrid asks Slughorn for the poison directly, instead of hiding a couple of bottles.
Harry leaves his mother and father to the death of Slughorn in that in the book.
23. Horcruxes
Only the ring and the diary showed that horcruxes. The ring, which is supposed to be a simple cycle of stone with a crude extract of the deadly Hallows, is set to reduce the fluorita, honey-brown gem. Dumbledore is not the possession of Tom Riddle's Diary the movie shows that, Harry has returned to Lucio at the end of the Chamber of Secrets. As noted, the cup and the locket's story is left, and something of Gryffindor or Ravenclaw Nagin and are not addressed by the horcruxes. However, cases of swords are considered to be mounted on the wall on the balcony of Dumbledore study.
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Dumbledore mentions that only the horcruxes could be anything, it means they do not know what could be Dumbledore that Voldemort never tried not to mention a treasure, and it is possible that you're precious horcruxes are founders of Hogwarts. Harry never gets to know why Dumbledore discovered the cave.
Dumbledore and Harry, Voldemort did not speak much about, as happened in the book. Voldemort does not explain how someone who likes to control people, which is very charming with all teachers, which attaches great importance to the place where others were tortured, and who feel a deep connection to Hogwarts, because it is, proof that it is special and is a wizard, so you feel at home. However, this information was concentrated in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie.
24. Sectumsempra

Harry and Draco duel shortly before Sectumsempra USA magic Harry and Snape countercurse is a spell, instead of a song.
The scene where Severus Snape gives Harry detention of the property of their magic Sectumsempra textbook is cut and apparently never took place.
Ginny, Harry, does not hide the text in the room unseen. The end exacerbated this situation of the movie, when Harry know where to find the tiara horcrux because of where he hid the book (although Ginny is present during the final battle, so he could attend). In the same scene, Harry kissing Ginny. Furthermore, we have a second test songbird Draco office, a black, alive and singing, but does not know its meaning. The box is covered with a rug and not see what it is.
25. The Seer by chance
Emma Thompson did not return, as Professor Snape and Trelawney scene in which the role of double agent appears or not mentioned.
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26. Cave
In the film, Dumbledore claims is privileged and the team of Hogwarts, but this book is impossible, even for him.
Almost identical to what was written in the novel, the locket Horcrux was recovered in the middle of the lake inside the cave. Professor Dumbledore and Harry USA a boat to reach the island in the lake. Dumbledore drank the liquid in the basin (overpowered Harry to him, and suffered a terrible pain in doing so. When asked Dumbledore basin recharge Aguamenti Harry use magic, but the deposit cannot drink water. So, Harry tried to get water from the lake, but a Inferius and appeared to grab his hand, pulling him under water. Dumbledore used a large wave of fire to get ridding of the minor, then fled with the successful launch of Harry after a spell that is only mentioned in the film.
27. The Lightning Towers Beaten
Ms. Rosmerta is cut from the movie. In contrast, Draco gave the necklace to Katie Bell, and shows a dinner Dumbledore death tattoo on his arm. Harry and Dumbledore Apparate directly to the Astronomy Tower. Harry is not frozen by Dumbledore and the floor below the top of the tower of astronomy through the floor in search of events.
Bellatrix Lestrange Death combine dinner at Hogwarts.
The scenes where the nickname "Half-Blood Prince" are explained in detail is reduced to a line where Snape said: "I am the Half-Blood Prince," and goes for the night. The meaning behind, the title of the book and the film is cut. This is why I found Snape was the half blood prince (which is half the mother's blood and his name is prince)
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Snape arguing with Dumbledore, which was held in the Forbidden Forest at night and is heard by Hagrid (Chapter 19), knowing that in the book, Harry, is amended to take the coarse in Astronomy Tower during the day, Harry arrives to hear the same and showing Snape in Harry.
In the film, Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy shows that he was marked with dark markings, which in this book Harry is only a hypothesis, without any solid proof.
In the novel, Dumbledore says he has appeared in the sky frozen. In the film, Dumbledore immedieately fall above and below the handrail twoards land.

28. Flight of the Prince
The battle between the staff and students of Hogwarts against the death eaters was significantly reduced with a fury through Hogwarts, Bellatrix Lestrange busts in the Great Hall window and burns Hagrid Hut. Fang and Hagrid are not present.
Battle of the Astronomy Tower was omitted from the film, along with the scene where Bill Weasley was bitten by Fenrir Greyback.

Furthermore, the role of Bellatrix Lestrange was significantly increased in the film. In the book, not fight the battle of Tower Lightning Beaten or witnessed the death of Dumbledore. After watching the film, which is responsible for the destruction of all the joy and pleasure sadistic.
In the book, Snape reacts with emotion livid when Harry calls him a coward. However in the film, even if Harry launches this insult to Snape on two occasions, and not react.
29. The Parliament of the Phoenix
Hagrid's Hut is on fire by Bellatrix Lestrange, but the film does not show if Fang was trapped inside Hagrid are not present in this scene. Harry and Hagrid does not extinguish the fire using magic Aguamenti.

Professor McGonagall joins the crowd, who discovered the body of Albus Dumbledore at the foot of the Astronomy Tower. She supports the Hogwarts students and staff to raise their sticks to remove the black marks and with respect for the late Dean [71].
There was also a discussion or meeting in the office of the Director of the teachers to discuss weather or not Dumbledore be buried at Hogwarts grounds.
30. The White Tomb
The entire scene is cut the funeral scene and looking for a trio Fawkes flew out through the blue sky. In this scene from Harry Ron Hermione mentions that not dealing with its interest in Ginny
E 'imply that Harry and Ginny relationship remains strong, but in the book he says that it is not safe to be together.

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