Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chapter 3: The Letters from No One

Punish by the boa constrictor incident, Harry is locked until the summer in your closet. When finally free, he spends most of his time outside their homes to escape the torments of Dudley and his friends. Harry is excited at the prospect of a new school from the fall, near Dudley, for the first time in his life. One day, Uncle Vernon told Harry to receive messages. Harry notices a letter bearing a symbol that goes with it:

Punish by the boa constrictor incident, Harry is locked until the summer in your closet. When finally free, he spends most of his time outside their homes to escape the torments of Dudley and his friends. Harry is excited at the prospect of a new school from the fall, near Dudley, for the first time in his life. One day, Uncle Vernon told Harry to receive messages. Harry notices a letter bearing a symbol that goes with it:

H. Potter
The cupboard under the stairs
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

Uncle Vernon takes on him and shows his wife. Both are shocked. Harry and Dudley forced to leave the kitchen to discuss what to do. The next day, Uncle Vernon in Harry visits the closet and refuses to discuss the letter. However, he tells Harry to go to Dudley in the second room, which was previously used to store toys Dudley.
harry potter hagrid

The next day, another letter arrives for Harry, this time addressed to him in "The Little Room." Uncle Vernon is alarmed. Harry tries to get the letter but Uncle Vernon keeps with him. The next morning, Harry wakes up early to get the mail before someone gets up, but is hampered by Uncle Vernon, who was near the mailbox waiting for letters. Even Uncle Vernon email nail slot closed, twelve letters from Harry to come the next day, slipped under the door or through the cracks. Letters will soon flood the house with the impossible. Uncle Vernon Harry continues to impede the reading of any of them. Angry, Uncle Vernon decides to take all away from home, but stay at the hotel, a hundred letters were delivered to Harry. Uncle Vernon decides to further isolation. In a dark, stormy night, his family has a cottage on an island in the middle of the sea. Inside, Vernon bolts of the door. At midnight, as is Harry anniversary (July 31). There is a sudden knock on the door.

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